The goals of BNF include ensuring that each nunnery maintains adequate, healthy living conditions, provides a practical, useful education for girls and women, and achieves economic self-sufficiency. Because the nuns are such an important part of Bhutanese society, these efforts will enhance the economic vitality of local villages and help to preserve Bhutanese culture. Supporting nunneries as a means of enhancing larger society has the potential to be an important component of Gross National Happiness (GNH) – Bhutan’s unique development and cultural preservation program.

The Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life and education of all Buddhist nuns throughout the country regardless of sectarian difference. This work strongly supports the GNH goals promulgated by His Majesty the King of Bhutan and enshrined in the national vision.

The Foundation’s objectives are:

  • Improve the basic living conditions of teachers and nun students by ensuring adequate physical infrastructure.

  • Provide educational support to grassroots women and young girls who wish to become nuns and who wish to pursue higher education.

  • Establish a Training and Resource Centre for providing skills training to nuns and laywomen and to build their capacity in various employable and professional areas.

  • Coordinate and collaborate among nunneries inside and outside of Bhutan to ensure strong network and capacity building.

  • Support self-sufficiency of nuns and nunneries by developing and strengthening networks among nuns, grassroots women, businesses and other organizations in Bhutan.

  • Establish facilities for short-term retreats and short-term spiritual experience for lay people.

  • Make pursuit of spirituality and spiritual nourishment of society less arduous, convenient and accessible.

  • Create a national accredited higher education institution, a shedra (University) for nuns belonging to all Buddhist schools/traditions.